Istraživački članak objavljen u časopisu International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
Naslov rada
The Importance of Security Matters for Quality of Experience in Mobile Web Context
- Faculty of Traffic and Communications, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Jasmina Baraković Husić
- Department of Telecommunications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The rise of cyber-attacks coming up with the increased use of mobile devices and web services has initiated the growth of interest to understand the impact of Perception of Security (PoS) on Quality of Experience (QoE) in mobile web context and which factors impact PoS. This paper aims to investigate the relations among QoE, PoS, and multiple influence factors in different mobile web contexts. The obtained results have shown that PoS differently impacts QoE in considered mobile web contexts (banking, commerce, browsing, mail, and health). Also, the analyzed factors (risk, reliability and availability, 3rd party seals, privacy, security, grammar quality, aesthetics, reputation, brand name, and usability) have been assigned different weights of influence in terms of PoS in mobile web contexts. These findings open a wide range of potential research that could lead to the increase and improvement of users’ Quality of Life (QoL).
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Naziv časopisa
International Journal of Human–Computer Studies
Elektronski ISSN
Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
Faktor uticaja
4.7 (2020)